After very demanding august and second international fireworks festival in which we took a part, we are ending the festival-season for this year. In Katowice we were a participant and a coordinator for foreign participants at the Międzynarodowe Pokazy Pirotechniczne, which were organized at the Muchowiec Airport at the 23rd of the August. Huge fireworks spectacles were presented by 3 companies: Grom-Zbig (Poland), Blikas (Lithuania) and Efekt Chełm (Poland). Despite the fact, that it was the first edition, crowds of fireworks fans appeared! Also another thing to point is a huge number of possitive media relases. Next edition will be held in 2015!
On the 1st of the August we presented our display at the international fireworks festival Feuerwerkersinfonie in Potsdam.
Company EFEKT CHEŁM, year by year is supporting the Grand Orchestra of Christmas Charity with our fireworks shows, known as the Light To The Sky. This time, during the 22nd Finale of the Orchestra, we were responsible for 3 shows. The most spectacular one was set up in the area of the Lublin Castle. Because of this medieval object, we project this display with use of only low-caliber materials. With help of firing system EXPLODE, our show was well-synchronized with the soundtrack. Also, the realization was transmitted in the National Television TVP S.A.
At the New Years Eve Night we were present in 8 places, where we were celebrating coming of the year 2014 with our fireworks! The biggest realizations we presented in the following cities: Lublin, Ryki, Polkowice. The most spectacular show was shooted in Polkowice, where we fired over 1000 2,5''-6'' shells. Below we are presenting a short preview of that show: